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Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance 

Who are we: An alliance of non-profit organizations, local municipalities, supporters, and advocates affiliated with the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail corridor.


Our Vision: A system of non-motorized, multi-use trails, and local connectors linking Erie to Pittsburgh through the experience of small towns, rural landscapes, historic sites, and cultural areas, tied to regional trails and beyond.


Our Mission: The Alliance’s Mission is to advocate for the development of the continuous trail; to assist our local partners by sharing expertise and resources; to promote the trail for its regional significance and encourage local and broader connections.

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Board of Directors 

President – Courtney Mahronich Vita
Vice President –  Kimberly Hawkes
Secretary – Kim Harris
Treasurer – Roy Weil

Thomas Baxter IV
Leah Carter

Chris Corbran

Joy Fronzoli

Ben Huggler

Bob Jennings
Patrick Johnson
Sandy Mateer

Marty Radock

Barney Scholl

Jane Sheffield

Renwick Steele
Bill Weller
Chris Ziegler

Standing Board Committees


Finance Committee

Chair - Barney Scholl


Trail Connections

Chair - Courtney Mahronich Vita 


Governance Committee

Chair - Courtney Mahronich Vita


 Communications & Development

Chair - Kim Harris

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