2020 Erie to Pittsburgh Virtual Trail Summit
Held August 20th and 21st 2020
On August 20th and 21st, the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance hosted our first trail summit. The summit was a virtual for the safety of our board members and attendees. If you were not able to attend the Summit, or missed session great news - they were all recorded and are available for free viewing.
This summit was funded in part by the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association and Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources' Pennsylvania Trails Program funded through the Federal Highway Administration and the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance.

Summit Session Recordings
Below are the links to the recorded sessions . The session recordings are avialble at no cost, if you would like to make a contribution to the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail for viewing of the videos, please click here.
These video recordings are not permitted to be downloaded and used without the permission of
the Erie to Pittsburgh Trail Alliance.